Full time teacher studies Nutrition & Dietetics
Podcast episode 6 Joy


Click on the play button to hear Joy's interview:


In this episode I talk to Joy who has recently completed the Access to Health Science in Nutrition and Dietetics. Joy, like most of our students has studied whilst remaining in her full time job and has successfully managed her time within her busy lifestyle to complete the diploma in time for the June moderation.


Thank you for being on the podcast Joy. You are still a science teacher and have been studying the Access to Nutrition and Dietetics over the past 12 months. How did you fit studying around your other commitments?


Yes, managing your time as a teacher in those busy periods must have been planned well. Now, As a Science teacher, looking at both sides of the learning experience what made you choose online learning?


From your end of course review it's apparent that you really enjoyed studying online. As a teacher yourself how would you compare Access to HE to A Levels?


You’ve studied the Access to Nutrition and Dietetics diploma. Can you share with us how you tackled the assignment to achieve the excellent grades? And any particular highlights of a topic that stood out for you?


You’ve completed the access course now and will be applying to university in September 2024. You have plenty of time now to prepare for your UCAS application and attending interviews. By the way, you can still access the VLE 24/7 for UCAS application support and we will be on hand if you have any specific queries.



As you know, There is a lot of support on the student VLE, which for anyone that isn't aware of the Virtual Learning Environment, this is our online interactive learning platform. Where do you intend to apply to and what is the reason for your choice(s)? Have you considered going through clearing this year? 



And finally, to anyone that is listening and maybe considering embarking on a big career change via an online access course with AOLL, is there anything you would like to share with these listeners in terms of taking the plunge?


Thank you so much for joining me on the podcast. I wish you all the best of luck with finishing your career as a teacher and becoming an undergraduate student.