UCAS Points Calculator Access to Higher Education Diploma Courses
UCAS Tariff Points Calculator
Number of Credits at Pass:
Number of Credits at Merit:
Number of Credits at Distinction:
You have completed 0 credits so far, and the grades so far give you 0 UCAS Tariff Points



UCAS Points Calculator Access to HE: Your Pathway to Higher Education

Embark on your higher education journey with our precise and user-friendly UCAS Points Calculator Access to HE for Access to Higher Education Diploma courses. This tool simplifies the conversion of your academic achievements into UCAS points, a vital step in your university application process.


How the UCAS Points Calculator Access to HE Works:

  • The maximum UCAS points you can attain is 144.
  • Your points are calculated based on the grades of your assignments.
  • Assignments are typically 3 credits, though longer units may carry 6 or 9 credits.
  • For instance, a merit grade on a 3-credit unit earns you 3 credits at merit, while a distinction on a 9-credit unit yields 9 credits at distinction.
  • Type your grades and credits into this UCAS Points Calculator Access to HE to convert them into UCAS Tariff points.

This calculator is a valuable tool for students, allowing you to track your tariff points throughout your course. Bookmark this page for easy access and stay updated on your academic progress in line with the latest UCAS guidelines. Make informed decisions about your educational future by calculating your UCAS Tariff points now.

Examples of how to work out your credits into tariff points: (please remember that only 45 credits out of 60 are graded)

INPUT: 30 distinction + 15 merit = 128 UCAS tariff points

or INPUT 15 distinction + 30 merit = 112 UCAS tariff points


The following table provides some examples of Access to Higher Education grade profiles and their tariff points. To calculate your own tariff points or to work out specific combinations, you can use the calculator above





Tariff Points

45 0 0 144
30 15 0 128
15 30 0 112
0 45 0 96
15 15 15 96
0 15 30 64
0 0 45 48